Why Being Organized is the Most Important Activity in your Divorce

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Why being organized is the most important thing you can do in your divorce.

Be organized and be educated, these are the two most important pieces of advice I can offer someone going through a divorce. Being organized, take the time and get your affairs in order. Yes, it can be incredibly time consuming but it also means that you are taking control of your situation. I recommend creating a divorce binder, and take it with you to every meeting you have involving your divorce. You should include tabs for:

–  bank statements
–  all financial statements
–  life insurance
–  debt statements
–  budgets
–  mortgage statements
–  recent tax returns

You will have everything you need at your finger tips and ready as you are meeting with professionals and this not only saves you time but also saves you money!

It’s OK to be emotional about money. We’ll help you with the tough questions.

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